Imagine looking at an ocean that glowed like this! ✨🌊 Bioluminescent waves are a real thing and they can be found all around the world such as Puerto Rico, Florida, California , Taiwan and India!
But what’s the science behind it? The tiny organisms that create this mysterious glow are actually a type of cellular algae called dinoflagelletes.
They don’t glow all the time, just when movements (such as waves) disturb the water that they live in and when they are in high volumes (red tide = algae blooms 💥).
Some scientists hypothesize that the glow is the result (byproduct) of enzymatic reactions🔬. Other scientist think that this may be a form of defense mechanism known as the “burglar alarm🚨”. Dinoflagellates glow to attract the attention of secondary predators, which hopefully will attack their own predators! #genius!
Pictures definitely can’t capture this wonderful experience, so add it to your #bucketlist ! ✈️
Pictures were taken from national geographic.